2016年3月21日 星期一

交換生錦囊Info For Exchange Students to Japan-在日本辦手機號碼Having your cell phone number or cheap SIM card in Japan




(English Translation:
Since 2015.05.01 the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications of Japan asked domestic service providers to unleash the SIM lock regulations, the progress of cell phone liberalization has been coming to a new era. Long story short, because Japan mobile service providers compete strongly against each other, they have to redeem their lost during price down by constraining their customers with long-term contracts which came with a provider-based mobile phone model design. And that modification limited the compatibility of Japan mobile phones. But don't blame Japan too soon, because as Wikipedia said, in the US, 3 out of 4 of major service providers in the US employs this kind of approach to do the same thing. Anyhow, for customers like us, it turns out that we could have more cheap plans than we did before, so let's think in a more positive way lol.)

(English Translation:
I will introduce you to the information I have known from the basics to application procedures needed, but my knowledge is limited, so please correct me if I am wrong.)






5.像是我用的OCN mobile ONE有提供可以撥接電話的純上網SIM卡,方法是利用IP電話的概念(像是SKYPE一樣),要撥接都得開行動網路才行(我就是用這種,搭配的就是050開頭的號碼,有點像是半殘的電話號碼。有一些號碼無法撥通,包含一些免費撥接電話和緊急電話110.119等。詳細點此) 。

(English Translation:

First of all, the basics :

1. Kakuyasu sim card can be classified into 3 kinds in large, Data-only(データ通信SIM) and Data + Text Message(SMS対応SIM) and Data+ Text Message + Phone calls(音声SIM). The monthly fee will increase as the functions are included. If you need to use LINE or other online services that require cell phone verification or the like, please select SMS対応SIM since the Data only ones come without phone number.

2. You need a valid credit card(you can use anyone's card.) to achieve monthly payments.(Important!!)

3. Some plans have minimum contract period, some don't.( the provider I'm using doesn't require that, but some also popular ones require 5 months or more )

4. Make sure your device is compatible.

5. The one I'm using (OCN mobile ONE) provides Data-only sim card with IP telephony service combination, and they also have discount for that. Details in English

日本語が分かる冒険者へ(For those who read Japanese)

傳送點我(Compare plans)

(English Translation:
The link above will direct you to a summary website that tells you everything about Kakuyasu sim card, and hopefully you will be able to find one that fits you the best. Since these plans are provided by minor companies using major service provider's networks, when you compare among them, you may want to pay attention to the  service provider they use.)


(English Translation:
There are some companies provide you with monthly adjustment service, for instance, if you want to lift the capacity from 3G/month to 5G/month just on your phone with their APP; or you want high speed switch that help you with using your capacity economically.)


(English Translation:

Sorry to be verbose, if you will, you can just click on the link above and check for yourself.)


(English Translation:
Because I don't feel like advertising the service I am using( also since I am a bit tired lol), I will concisely summarize the procedures you might be interested to know. )





(English Translation:
1.Make sure your cell phone is compatible, and order the SIM card pack corresponding with your cell phone's SIM card Size(there are nano, micro, standard...). Usually you can get one from Amaxxx.jp or Rakuxxx, or pay a visit to their shops, however, net purchase is often faster.

2.Getting your SIM card pack.(Usually comes with the SIM card and manual with registration info.)

3. Follow the instructions to complete registration procedures, this is the time you will need a credit card and your residence address beside you. Also you might need a valid cell phone number in Japan(cannot be 050 numbers.) to receive verification password( like the one LINE ask you to type sometimes when you login in a new device)

4. Done.


Given that I wrote these words down from 0 A.M to 3 A.M, please don't blame me too much for being verbose and illogical lol. Last but not least, best wishes for all you coming to JP!

